5 things about the artist


I’m heavily influenced by Pareidolia

A lot of my inspiration comes from nature and literature, whether it is the shape of a petal, a shadow, or the texture of an old book, but I am most heavily influenced by Pareidolia. I often take photos of faces I find in inanimate objects, draw eyes on them and send them to my kids.

I am constantly taking photographs

I think I get my love of photography from my grandad. He used to photograph Ronnie Woods’s band The Birds in the 1960s, and whenever we went away he would always have a camera around his neck.

I’ve started collecting ceramics

Recently I have started focusing on buying handcrafted art and pottery for my home rather than fast-fashion decor. There is something so satisfying about owning an item which holds the impressions of the artist’s hands.

A few years back my husband bought me a selection of vases and bowls from Foredays which are now my pride and joy.

I like to experiment with different materials

I tend to work in charcoal, ink, and acrylic in my sketchbook work (which are often later developed into a digital piece for print), but I also like to experiment with different mediums. My A-level art project focused on creating impressions from different laces and materials, and I’m fascinated by the tactility of art and how texture this is created.

I’m a serial binge-watcher

I have always loved film and television as a medium, and truly believe that it is an art form in its own right (an idea which was instilled in me even more so from studying Media) and can happily consume a good series in the space of a day.

Recently, though, I’m starting to see an increase in programmes with weekly episodes, which I am actually really starting to appreciate (especially after watching most of Netflix during lockdown.) It’s nice to have something which you can look forward to and where you can discuss theories between episodes. My favourite weekly programmes recently have been ‘The Boys’ and ‘Black Bird.’


Fragments of…the sea


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