Behind The Scenes Hannah Earnshaw Behind The Scenes Hannah Earnshaw

2022 Motifs & Themes

Gardening has become so important to a lot of us over the last couple of years, and it has really illustrated how valuable a connection to nature is for your mental health.

The figures in my recent work are something I often refer to as ‘Mother Nature’ figures…

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Mental Health Hannah Earnshaw Mental Health Hannah Earnshaw

Finding my worth…then adding tax.

We’ve all heard the mantra ‘know your worth then add tax’ haven’t we? It’s essentially small business 101, but I think we sometimes forget just what that worth is. Yes, it is your skills and your time, but it is also your mental health.

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Mental Health Hannah Earnshaw Mental Health Hannah Earnshaw

I thought I was going to die.

Let’s start this with the unequivocal fact that I did not die that night. This is not one of those existential films where the narrator leads you through their life, lulling you into a false sense of security, only to reveal they are actually narrating from beyond the grave…Spoiler alert. No, I didn’t die, but I honestly thought I would.

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Mental Health Hannah Earnshaw Mental Health Hannah Earnshaw

It’s taken me 30 years to learn…

I have a very distinct memory of sitting on a school bus one afternoon upset because a boy I liked had made a passing joke about the size of my eyes. One of the older girls on the bus – the pretty girl with the cool hair and the awesome clothes (we all know her)- asked me what was wrong, and what she said next has stuck with me ever since.

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